Careers programme - Business

    Careers Programme - Business

    At Queensmill School, we are passionate about creating meaningful work experiences for our students. We understand the importance of collaboration with businesses to provide these valuable opportunities. Therefore, we are actively seeking partnerships with local businesses to enable our students to engage in work placements tailored to their unique abilities and interests. By forging these partnerships, we hope to create a supportive and inclusive environment where our students can gain practical skills and experiences. Queensmill School invites businesses to join us in this endeavor, as together we can empower our students and facilitate their successful transition into the workforce. We believe that by working hand in hand, we can make a positive impact on the lives of our extraordinary students and foster a more inclusive society.

    To learn more about partnering with Queensmill School and to start the application process, please click on the link below:

    Business application form

    We appreciate your interest in collaborating with us and look forward to exploring how we can work together to create enriching work experiences for our students.